Ministry of Municipal Affairs

Learning Videos - Video and Transcript

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View Project Summary Screen

Step-by-Step Instructions

Notes: These training videos were created the fall of 2015. The content of each screen is subject to change over time; therefore, when you are in LGIS, some of the screens may look slightly different, but the functions remain the same unless otherwise noted.

For optimum viewing and functionality of LGIS use Google Chrome.


The Project screen displays a brief summary of the project at the top of the screen which includes:

  1. Proponent Name -- the video example is the sample government: "LGIS City"

  2. Project Number/Title is the number the government assigned to your project and the title -- the video example it is L33071 "LGIS Wind Farm"

  3. Program Name that the project is funded under – the video example is "New
    Building Canada Fund- Small Communities Fund - CSCD"

  4. Project Status (Date yyyy/mm/dd), the status of the Project, and the date that the
    Ministry promoted it to that status –the video example is Contract Signed (2015-10-

  5. View Approved Funding Details link - see View Approved Funding video for detailed explanation.