Ministry of Municipal Affairs

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Complete & Submit BFR

Step-by-Step Instructions

Notes: These training power point presentations were created the summer of 2017. The content of each screen is subject to change over time; therefore, when you are in LGIS, some of the screens may look slightly different, but the functions remain the same unless otherwise noted.

For optimum viewing and functionality of LGIS use Google Chrome.

The BFR Form displays Form Instructions. Please review these instructions prior to completing the BFR.

This section explains:

  • critical information to consider when completing the form
  • prefilled calculations.
  • The BFR must be submitted within 7 calendar days after the end of each reporting period. For example, if the reporting period default date is November 30, 2015 then the BFR must be submitted by December 7th, 2015.

The "Projected Expenditures" column is the only column where you will enter amounts. "Projected Expenditure" fields are forecasted expenditures based on work completed or goods and services received in the fiscal year (the Province's Fiscal year is from April 1st to March 31st). The value highlighted in green is the remaining balance of approved eligible project costs less the total net eligible costs of claims submitted and/or paid (this includes the Proponent contribution). The sum of the Projected Expenditures cannot exceed the total highlighted in green.

The column Paid Claims will list all Claims that have been paid to you. The Column Submitted Not Paid (In Progress) will list all Claims that are in the review process.

There can be several rows where you must enter a "Projected Expenditure amount".

  • Past Years will group all past years of the project together from the project commencement date.
  • 2017-2018 (Current) is for estimated work to be completed in the current Province's Fiscal year.
  • Each subsequent row will be a row for each future fiscal year of the project based on the project completion date.

1.   Enter your values in the appropriate "Projected Expenditure" row. The system will save as each row entered. You will need to click on the next dollar value field to proceed with your entry. Your BFR is now created and in Incomplete Status. Once you have saved your data you may log out and edit, cancel or submit the report at a later date.

You will see the variance shows $0 so a comment is not required at this time. If the forecast is quite different from the previously submitted forecast, please enter an explanation using the comment box.

Note* If you require an extension to the Project's Completion Date and it has not been requested or approved yet there will not be a future fiscal year for you to enter Projected Expenditure amounts. Please show this amount as a Variance and include a comment explaining that you will be requiring or have requested an extension. A formal extension request is to be sent to the applicable Ministry for approval, entering this information into the BFR Form is not considered a formal request.

Beside every value entered is a Calculator Icon
Click on the icon to see how the calculations of the Grant forecast and Grant Amount are derived.

$100,000 was entered in the 2017/2018 (current) row as shown below.

Click on the Calculator Icon  
Beside the $100,000 value, the following pop up will display:

The Calculator pop up lists the Proponent Amount of $50,000 which is 50% of the Projected  Expenditure entered. The Provincial Amount and the Federal Government Amount is $25,000 which is 25% of the Projected Expenditure entered.

Please see the screenshot below for an example of a BFR for a project with the following complex funding and share amounts.

Total Eligible Costs = $850,000
Commitment Amount = $705,500
Proponent Share 17%= $144,500
Provincial Share 33% = $280,500
Federal Share 50% = $425,000
Paid claims (including Proponent Share) = $186,298
Proponent Share = $31,673
Provincial Share = $61,477
Federal Share = $93,148

            Budget Forecast Report with As At Date of July 31, 2017

The Projected Expenditure amount highlighted in green is derived by the following calculation: Total Eligible Costs $850,000 less Paid Claims (including proponent share) $186,298 = $663,702

Click on the Calculator Icon
 beside the value $100,000

Proponent Amount (17%) of the Projected Expenditure of $100,000 is $17,000
Provincial Amount (33%) of the Projected Expenditure of $100,000 is $33,000
Federal Amount (50%) of the Projected Expenditure of $100,000 is $50,000

The Calculated Grant Forecast is $33,000 + $50,000 = $83,000. You will see this value auto populate the BFR in the Calculated Grant Forecast Column.

Once all Projected Expenditures for Each Program Year have been entered and saved, you may add attachments to support your projections although they are not necessary unless requested.

1.  Click the Attachments Tab, click Browse to find the document you want to attach.
2.  Click Upload


Now that the BFR is complete Click on the Submission Tab of the BFR.

1. Click “Submit BFR Form”

Confirmation that the BFR has been successfully submitted will display and the BFR status will display as BFR Submitted